Need a New Mattress but Don’t Have a Truck? No Worries! We Deliver!
For many of our customers, one of their biggest concerns when buying a mattress is that they have no way to get it home from our mattress store. If that is the only thing keeping [...]
Sleep Like Royalty in a Split King Bed
It's a simple fact; no two people sleep the same. Some sleep hot, others cold. Some like a firm mattress, others prefer a softer feel. Since this is a scientific fact, how can couples ever [...]
Wondering Whether Your New Mattress Will Break the Bank? We Offer Financing to Make Sure It Doesn’t
The time has come when you simply can't take another night on your old bed. All the lumps are in the wrong places, the sags don't help much either, and that pesky squeak every time [...]
The Truth About Bed Bugs – If I Have Them, Do I Need a New Mattress?
We often have customers come into our Bed'r Mattress stores asking if having bed bugs means buying a new mattress. Believe it or not, you are not the only person in the world to come [...]
Memory Foam Beds Are Everywhere. Are They Really That Great? We’re Glad You Asked!
Since the introduction of the first memory foam mattresses, they have received numerous awards, been hailed as the latest and greatest, and also been the victim of many issues that have long since been overcome. [...]
Mattress Terminology – A Quick Primer
"Going into a mattress store near me is so confusing. The salesperson keeps using so many terms I don't know." Sound familiar to you? This is a typical issue for many people interested in buying [...]